Typing SVG


🚀 The sky is the limit, so let Flare take your server to the air!

🚀 Updates

Added more levelling commands: levelall,leveltakeall,levelrole,takelevelrole,xpall,xptakeall,xprole,takexprole
Added a custom prefix for custom commands ( ! )
Added more utility commands: mdhtml,cmdcodes,stickyadd,stickydelete,stickies,remind-me,remind-channel,nameme,password,urban,http,bug,math,source
Added removed hentai commands and replaced them with actual nsfw
Added more moderation: addbw,removebw,bwl,modlog
Changed the prefix to %
Added more developer commands: exec,gprefix
Removed some levelling commands: rewards,set-reward
Added more economy commands: ecoblacklist,ecounblacklist,economy
Removed some economy commands: spawns
Added more welcoming commands: limg,wimg,twelcome,tgoodbye,wcodes
Added new tags for welcoming / leaving commands: <owner>,<owner.tag>,<owner.id>,<owner.mention>,<author.id>,<user.age>,<owner.age>,<server.age>,<join.time,<leave.time> - Displays leaving time ( only works in the leave message )

🚀 Credits

Bot developer: Snowy#4618
Discord.js helpers: Natasquare#8297 , __person__#0267
Music developer: Green#2754
Avatar inspiritaion: NiiRσ#1337
Avatar edit: Snowy#4618

I am Snowy, the one who made Flare . I kindly ask you to give credits to Natasquare , Person , Me and green
None of these peoples helped with the developing of this bot, I single handedly coded this bot from scratch. The music codes are edited by me, but made by green. Discord.js codes are made by Natasquare and Person

🚀 Bug fixes

If you do not want to encounter any bugs do the following steps
* if you want to stop the bot from leaving the server go to ./commands/developer/bot leaves the server ( delete if wanted ).js, and delete that file IF you don't want to have the 30 members or more limit

* To not make the bot go offline change the channelID in the index.js from the ready event, you can find this by scrolling down in the index.js file

* To make the bot work edit your token in ./config.js

🚀 Ways to provide credits

* Make a credits command and provide credits to me by using my discord tag or my github repo
* Advertise my support server
* By editing the footer of the help command, or from all commands saying " Made by 🌺 Safira#0001 "