
The Discord Hotline bot

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Discord Hotline Bot pipeline status

Getting started

Below are the instructions for getting started with the Discord Hotline bot


  • Docker
  • A Text Editor or IDE


  • Fork and Clone this package
  • Copy dev.secrets.json.dist to dev.secrets.json and put in your dev bot's Discord token.
  • Run: $ docker-compose up -d
  • View the logs with $ docker-compose logs -f bot

To make a plugin

You can copy what is in the CorePlugin. TL;DR:

  • Create a npm project with the peer dependencies of: eris and eris-command-framework

  • In this project's package.json, under plugins, add yours. e.g.:

        "plugins": {
          "CorePlugin": "@hotline/core-plugin",
          "MyAwesomePlugin": "@hotline/my-awesome-local-plugin"
  • To develop locally, place the plugin in ./plugins/@hotline/my-awesome-local-plugin

    • It will do a require('plugins/@hotline/my-awesome-local-plugin/src/')
  • Your plugin must exist in index.js and must be a class that extends the eris-command-framework's AbstractPlugin.