Discord Messenger is a free Discord-compatible messaging client targeting both new and old Windows.
Pinned issues
- 1
Getting pinged by blocked people.
#122 opened by TechTech512 - 0
Add Multi User Support
#120 opened by MP36ctrl - 1
- 21
- 9
Build for old no SSE2 CPU (Pentium III\Athlon Xp)
#119 opened by YoshiKill - 3
- 15
Why not just have a toggle for dark mode?
#71 opened by K4sum1 - 0
Disabling updates broken
#114 opened by MP36ctrl - 1
- 1
Discord Messenger crashes because of `Access violation` (out-of-bound access) if message is a single `@`
#116 opened by BadAimWeeb - 6
Crashes with a Visual C++ redist error after about 30 minutes to a hour of use (MinGW version)
#117 opened by RandomGamingIn144p - 0
Add easy notification toggle in status bar
#115 opened by MP36ctrl - 1
- 0
The tooltip for a Discord Server shouldn't be based on the position of them in the list
#111 opened by Zero3K - 0
- 0
- 1
Try restarting the app or using another token
#109 opened by Timunim - 1
Changing user status causes the first two servers listed at the top to switch places
#107 opened by Zero3K - 6
- 1
Add markdown formatting to reply messages
#105 opened by Zero3K - 1
Message BG Feature
#95 opened by RF7391 - 1
Pinging user
#104 opened by Kayabulba70BMC - 5
Suggestions for Enhancements to Discord Messenger
#103 opened by RaulKong898 - 0
Add autocomplete for mentions, emojis, etc.
#100 opened by iProgramMC - 1
Bot Icon in Userpanel is missing
#101 opened by RF7391 - 3
Sending... doesn't show up for the second and so on images being sent after sending the first one
#96 opened by Zero3K - 1
Display text attachments inline
#99 opened by Zero3K - 2
- 4
- 1
- 1
Add support for reactions
#88 opened by Zero3K - 4
Unsupported Media Type error on a certain URL
#92 opened by Zero3K - 5
Replies do not work
#94 opened by frickinfire - 1
UI Improvements
#93 opened by madman214 - 3
Add support for mobile status and add its icon
#91 opened by Zero3K - 2
Either remove or replace the member list with info about the user being DM'd in the Direct Messages section
#90 opened by Zero3K - 4
Add welcome header
#86 opened by Zero3K - 4
- 1
Pushpin emoji rendering as unknown characters
#87 opened by Zero3K - 1
Unicode support is missing in Discord Messenger
#85 opened by Zero3K - 7
Add ability to display attached images inline
#76 opened by Zero3K - 7
Issue with the display of some usernames
#82 opened by Zero3K - 0
New unread message highlight/positioning
#79 opened by RF7391 - 5
Show errors in a log file instead of dialog boxes
#77 opened by Zero3K - 5
A certain channel isn't having its new messages status cleared when it is viewed for a few seconds
#78 opened by Zero3K - 3
- 2
- 6
Server Info window
#73 opened by K4sum1 - 4
- 4