A library for implementing a simple News app with multiple sections
- Have multiple sections of your news. (ex. Latest, Startups, Mobile, Social, etc.)
- Fading Feature Images
- Pull to refresh sections
- ImageCaching
- Add a podfile and add:
- pod 'TabPageViewController'
- pod 'Fuzi', '~> 0.3.0'
- pod 'Kingfisher', '~> 2.4'
- pod 'TabPageViewController'
- Add PioneerNewsLibrary Files to xcode project
- Add Code
let newsVC = self.createNewsContainerViewController()
containerVC.delegate = self
containerVC.dataSource = self
newsVC.presentInViewController(self, animated: true) {}
func newsContainerViewControllerShouldLoadStoryHTMLBody(newsContainerViewController: NewsContainerViewController) -> Bool
func newsContainerViewControllerSectionTitles(newsContainerViewController: NewsContainerViewController) -> [String]
func newsContainerViewController(newsContainerViewController: NewsContainerViewController, storiesAtIndex index: Int) -> [Story]
func newsContainerViewController(newsContainerViewController: NewsContainerViewController, refreshStoriesForSectionIndex index:Int, completion: (updatedStories: [Story]?) -> Void)
func newsContainerViewController(newsContainerViewController: NewsContainerViewController, didTapStory story: Story)
##To be added
- Day/Night Mode
- Foldable dropdown description of articles