
A tense, top down stealth game! Ref: HM_GDT

Primary LanguageGDScript

# Discovering Godot - The Game Engine You've Been Waiting For

Section 4 - Heist Meisters

This is GameDev.tv's guide to the free and open source Godot game engine. Learn the free to use, free to modify, free to create engine with one of the most successful online game develeopment educational groups out there.

You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo.

In This Section

reate a tense and dramatic top-down stealth game while you learn more advanced Godot techniques! (Our ref: HM_GDT)

How To Build / Compile

This is a Godot project. If you're familiar with source control, then "clone this repo". Otherwise download the contents and place them in your projects folder, then import the project in Godot's launcher.

This branch is the course branch, each commit corresponds to a lecture in the course. The current state is our latest progress.

Lecture List

Here are the lectures of the course for this section...

1 Designing Heist Meisters

In this video (objectives)…

1 Discuss the game we're making 2 Examine the features we'll need to create

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Plan out the central mechanics and feeling of our tense, top-down stealth game!

2 Installing Assets for Heist Meisters

In this video (objectives)…

1 Where to find the assets 2 Where to find additional Assets 3 a Quick overview of what's included

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Install the assets we'll need for our game

3 Making a Character Scene

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a Character scene and script as templates

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Understand how to use template scenes and scripts in your games

4 The Player Character

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a Player scene that inherits from the Character scene 2 Create a Player script that extends the Character script 3 make the player character move and look at the mouse position

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Inheriting scenes and extending scripts

5 Turning a Tilemap into an Autotile

In this video (objectives)…

1 Set up an Autotile to make levels creation easy 2 Add collision to our Autotile 3 Create a basic test level

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Autotiles, Bitmasking and Auto-Collision

6 Adding Floors

In this video (objectives)…

1 Set up a quick and easy tilemap for floors 2 Add floros to our level

After watching (learning outcomes)…

How to work with Tilemaps and Autotiles at the same time

7 Light2D Nodes

In this video (objectives)…

1 Set up a Light2D node 2 Set up Occlusion is autotiles and characters 2 Enable shadows

After watching (learning outcomes)…

How to bring dynamic lighting and shadows into a 2D game

8 Making a Security Camera

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a Security Camera 2 Correctly set up the Torch node for it 3 Add physics layers

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Get the security camera in game ready for the player detection system!

9 Player Detection Part 1 - Field of View

In this video (objectives)…

1 Set up FOV 2 Calculate the npc's direction 3 Get the direction to the Player 4 Determine if the NPC can see the Player

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Get the first phase of player detection set up!

10 Player Detection Part 2 - Line of Sight

In this video (objectives)…

1 Draw a ray from the NPC to the Player 2 Check what's intersecting the ray 3 Check if the Player is in Range

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Finish off Player detection with Line of Sight and detection range

11 Adding Guards

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a Guard Scene that extends the PlayerDetection.gd script 2 Fix the Torch scenes 3 Populate/Recreate our level

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Get some Guards!

12 Moving Guards Part 1- Navigation2D

In this video (objectives)…

1 Setting up Navigation2D 2 Creating a NavigationPolygonInstance 3 Using Position2D nodes to mark destinations

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Get pathfinding set up for HeistMeisters!

13 Moving Guards Part 2- get_simple_path()

In this video (objectives)…

1 Using get_simple_path 2 Making sure that pathfinding works no matter wher we put our destinations 3 Have the guard move along a pathfinding 4 Have the guard wait at their destinations 5 Troubleshooting guards getting stuck

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Have pathfinding and guard movement fully implemented

14 Adding Furniture With a Tilesheet

In this video (objectives)…

1 Setting up a Tilesheet 2 Adding Collision and Occlusion to tiles 3 Rotating Tiles

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Install furniture in out level

15 Nightvision Mode

In this video (objectives)…

1 Set up Nightvision 2 Use an Enum to list possible vision modes 3 Use call_group() to change vision modes

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Enable nightvision mode through enums and the amazing power of groups!

16 Turning Off the Lights In Nightvision

In this video (objectives)…

1 Set up an NPC Group 2 Use call_group() to have all NPCs switch torches on or off as needed

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Make all torches switch off when the Player is using Nightvision

17 Making a Simple Door

In this video (objectives)…

1 Use an Input_event() function to detect if a player is clicking on a door 2 Only allow players to open a door if in range 3 Set up different logic for NPCs and players using doors 4 Add sound effects to doors

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Create simple doors that open if the player is in range and clicks on them!

18 Beautiful Security - Using Themes

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a Numberpad as a Popup Node 2 Use Container nodes to organise the Numberpad 3 Use Grid Container to organise the buttons 4 Beautify the Numperpad with a Theme

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Learn the wonder of Themes in Godot!

19 Making a Locked Door Part 1

In this video (objectives)…

1 Fix the bug that causes all doors to open when the level loads 2 Create Locked door that inherits the Door scene and extends the Door scripts 3 Have the Numberpad popup when the player clicks on a locked door

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Simple debugging techniques and how to show and hide Popup nodes

20 Making a Locked Door Part 2 - Wiring the Lock

In this video (objectives)…

1 Use a for loop to get all the children of ButtonGrid 2 Connect all the buttons to the script with a signal 3 Use the text label of each button as an argument 4 Display the Player's button input 5 Check if the Player's guess is correct

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Wire up the Numberpad to the Locked Door

21 Making a Locked Door Part 3 - Finishing Off Locked Doors

In this video (objectives)…

1 Have the Locked Door open when the combination is Correct 2 Add sounds to our numberpad

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Make locked doors fully functional and polished!

22 Generating Combinations

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a node responsible for generating all combinations on a level 2 use return to send the combination to whatever function asked for it

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Take advantage of Godot's Object Orientation to make a node that generates all combinations!

23 Computers and Combinations

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a Computer Scene 2 Using find_node() to get a node by name 4 Ask CombinationGenerator for a random combinations 5 Display that combination to the Player in a Popup

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Using a returned value from one script to change the contents of another

24 Linking Computers and Locked Doors

In this video (objectives)…

1 Link computers to individual or multiple locked doors 2 Allow locked doors to open if the player approaches a specific side

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Use signals with an argument to set the combination of one or more locked doors at a time

25 Labels, Locks and Nightvision

In this video (objectives)…

1 Label Computers and Locked Doors 2 Rotate labels automatically 3 Only show labels in Nightvision mode

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Turn Nightvision Mode into a strategic layer but revealing helpful information to the player

26 TextureProgress Nodes

In this video (objectives)…

1 How to use TextureProgres nodes 2 How to change values in the inspector and have them reflected in an already running game

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Unleash the power of TextureProgress nodes!

27 Making NPCs Suspicious

In this video (objectives)…

1 Using TextureProgress as game logic 2 Adding stealth to our stealth game! 3 Quitting the game

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Update the GUI when the NPCs see the player!

28 Sneaking Around In A Box

In this video (objectives)…

1 Implement a disguise system 2 change collision_layer information in script 3 save and load occlusion

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Fulfil your dream of hiding in a box!

29 Making Disguises Risky

In this video (objectives)…

1 Limit the number of disguises 2 Slow the player down when wearing a disguise 3 Have a time limit on disguises

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Display a certain number of decimal places in a text field and add a cost to disguises

30 Boxes and ItemList

In this video (objectives)…

1 Display the number of disguises left as a number of icons 2 Update the GUI with very little code

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Use ItemList nodes to make polished GUI elements easily

31 Grabbing the Loot

In this video (objectives)…

1 Have loot that the player can pick up 2 Create an exit that works if the player has loot 2 Craft an Object Oriented inventory system

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Create an inventory system in the SceneTree

32 Making a GUI for the Loot

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a GUI element that only appears when it's needed 2 Show the player that they're collected loot

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Finish the GUI system!

33 Polishing the Game

In this video (objectives)…

1 Load a scene as a singleton 2 Create Game Over and Victory screens

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Add polish to our game with consistent background music and the ability to retry or quit the game.

34 Preparing the Tutorial Level

In this video (objectives)…

1 Designing a Tutorial 2 Creating a level for a tutorial

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Lay the foundations of our game's tutorial

35 Adding Objective Markers

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a visual objective marker 2 Move that visual marker to a new position when needed

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Understand how and when to use Tween nodes and use a parent node as an array

36 Finishing the Tutorial

In this video (objectives)…

1 Adding text to objectives in the tutorial 2 Using a JSON file to update the objectives

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Finish the tutorial by revisiting JSON files

37 The Final Polishing of Heist Meisters!

In this video (objectives)…

1 Plug the tutorial into the game 2 Fix the tutorial GUI position changing 3 Animate the tutorial GUI

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Finish Heist Meisters!

38 Wrapping up Heist Meisters

In this video (objectives)…

1 Recap some of what we've learned 2 Look at where this project could go from here

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Look at what we've learned to make this projevt happen and where we could go from here