
This is the repository of neovim configuration for easy and fast edits of the code

Primary LanguageLua

My Fast and Efficient Neovim Configuration 🚀


Overview 📋

This repository showcases my customized Neovim setup, optimized for speed and efficiency. The primary motivation behind this configuration is to facilitate quick edits and changes within a codebase without the overhead of heavy IDEs.

Features 🌟

  • Andromeda Theme: A visually pleasing theme that enhances the coding experience.
  • LSP Support: Integrated Language Server Protocol for intelligent code completion and navigation.
  • Autocomplete: Seamless autocomplete functionality to speed up coding tasks.
  • FileSystem Support : Integrated filesytem support along with bufferline to navigate multiple files.
  • Fuzzyfinding : Get the files and find them easily with fuzzyfinder using telescope pulgin.

Why Neovim? 🤔

Traditional IDEs often come with a lot of features that can be overwhelming for simple tasks or quick edits. Neovim provides a lightweight alternative, allowing for hassle free quick edits and provides shortcut customization at your fingertips.

Screenshots 📸


Installation Guide 🛠️

  1. Clone the Repository:
    https://github.com/Dishant1804/lazy.nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim

Type nvim:


Enjoy Coding! 🎉

Configuration 🛠️

Keybindings: The Leader key is spacebar key

  • Ctrl + s: Save changes.
  • Ctrl + n: Toggle file explorer.
  • Ctrl + p: Open fuzzy file finder.
  • ctrl + w: Toogle between editor and filesystem
  • Tab : Switch between the open files in bufferline ..And many more customizable keybindings

Contributions 🤝

If you find any room for improvement or have suggestions to enhance this configuration further, feel free to open an issue.

Usage 🖥️

To maximize the benefits of this Neovim configuration, here are some usage guidelines:

  • Editing Files: Use Neovim's intuitive keybindings for efficient file editing.
  • Code Navigation: Utilize LSP support for intelligent code navigation and completion.
  • Autocomplete: Leverage autocomplete functionality for faster coding tasks.
  • Lazy.nvim : The plugin manager is Lazy.nvim.

Thank You

nobbmaestro for beautiful andromeda theme. Chris Power for getting me started with the nvim config.