A java script to download a modpack from Curseforge onto your linux machine
This script is to be run with Java 19.
Install it on ubuntu using apt-get install openjdk-19-jre
The script uses the Modpack-zip file downloaded from Curseforge and downloads the mods using wget.
To run, CLI place this .jar and the modpack zip into your MC profile folder and run the jar using java -jar RipperCurseCLI.jar --ModFile [filename]
To run GUI version, mark the jarfile as executeable using chmod a+x RipperCurse.jar
, then simply double-click the file to run it.
Make sure you set this folder as your game folder for the instance, else you will launch from the default gamefolder
That's all, your machine will download the files from curseforge using wget and you are good to go
16.05.2023: GUI Version using swing added. Download it in the releases section