Steam, Apple, Google and Windows App stores scraper/parser
Downloads most essential info about app (including icon) from ITunes, Play store, Windows store and Steam store
Uses .NET 4.5 and C# 6. Methods are async
Usage examples:
StoreScraperFactory scraperFactory = new StoreScraperFactory();
//Steam store
StoreScrapeResult result = await scraperFactory.ScrapeAsync("", true);
//Apple store
StoreScrapeResult result = await scraperFactory.ScrapeAsync("", true);
//Google Play store
StoreScrapeResult result = await scraperFactory.ScrapeAsync("", true);
//Windows store
StoreScrapeResult result = await scraperFactory.ScrapeAsync("", true);
//Check URL type
if (scraperFactory.GetScraper("") is SteamStoreScraper) { }
//Get and call scraper for specific store
IStoreScraper scraper = scraperFactory.GetScraper<PlayStoreScraper>();
AppMetadata metadata = await scraper.ScrapeAsync("");
var icon = await scraper.DownloadIconAsync(metadata);
//Parse URL
var parsed = scraperFactory.ParseUrl("");
//returns store type and app id