
Files for the workshop "Spatial modelling of distance sampling data".

Getting help

If you have distance sampling related questions, please direct them to the distance sampling Google Group.

If you find a bug in the code, practicals and slides in this repository, please create a GitHub account and file an issue.

Directory structure

  • slides contains lecture slides in .Rpres and PDF formats
  • exercises contains the practical exercises used in the computer lab sessions
  • site_md contains the markdown files that are on

Building things

To get things to build (like the slides), you'll need to clone the spermwhaledata repository into the top level directory here.


  • Slides are built using reveal.js in RStudio with default templates and settings.
  • PDF version of the HTML slides were created using decktape using the command ~/sources/decktape/bin/phantomjs ~/sources/decktape/decktape.js automatic -s 1024x768 file.html file.pdf if ~/sources/decktape is where you cloned the decktape repo from.
  • To work out which packages are used in exercises, use the following (in exercises/): grep -h library *.Rmd | sort | uniq