
WebGL and Typescript project for rendering a 3d-like-desktop using a raytracer and rasterizer. This project resulted from the module "Interactive Computer Graphics" of the University Würzburg.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Interactive Computer Graphics Project - Group 5

This repository contains the project of the course "Interactive Computer Graphics" by Lorenz Bauer, Julius Arzberger and Marius Röhm, which was part of the Bachelors programm of Human-Computer-Systems (Module: 10-MCS-ICGT-152-m01). The project was graded with an 1.0.


Project Structur

├── --charset
├── dist
│   ├── brickwall-normal.jpg
│   ├── cube.obj
│   ├── fish.mp4
│   ├── hci-logo.png
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── monkey.obj
│   ├── normalneutral.png
│   ├── psychoandreas.png
│   ├── source-missing-texture.png
│   ├── tictactoe.png
├── Finale Abgabe Modul Interaktive Computergraphik Übung.pdf
├── fragen.md
├── img
│   └── SceneGraphDiagramm.drawio.png
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── README.md
├── src
│   ├── boxSharedProperties.ts
│   ├── glUtils.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── jsonLoader.ts
│   ├── jsonVisitor.ts
│   ├── math
│   │   ├── matrix.ts
│   │   ├── transformation.ts
│   │   └── vector.ts
│   ├── mousevisitor.ts
│   ├── nodes
│   │   ├── aabox-node.ts
│   │   ├── animation-nodes.ts
│   │   ├── camera-node.ts
│   │   ├── group-node.ts
│   │   ├── light-node.ts
│   │   ├── mesh-node.ts
│   │   ├── node.ts
│   │   ├── pyramid-node.ts
│   │   ├── sphere-node.ts
│   │   ├── texture-box-node.ts
│   │   ├── texture-text-box-node.ts
│   │   ├── texture-video-box-node.ts
│   │   └── window-node.ts
│   ├── OBJLoader.ts
│   ├── phong-properties.ts
│   ├── rasterzier
│   │   ├── raster-box.ts
│   │   ├── raster-mesh-object.ts
│   │   ├── raster-Pyramid.ts
│   │   ├── raster-sphere.ts
│   │   ├── raster-texture-box-text.ts
│   │   ├── raster-texture-box.ts
│   │   ├── raster-texture-box-video.ts
│   │   └── rastervisitor.ts
│   ├── raytracer
│   │   ├── aabox.ts
│   │   ├── intersection.ts
│   │   ├── meshObject.ts
│   │   ├── phong.ts
│   │   ├── polygon.ts
│   │   ├── pyramid.ts
│   │   ├── ray-sphere.ts
│   │   ├── ray.ts
│   │   └── rayvisitor.ts
│   ├── scenegraph-boilerplate.ts
│   ├── scenegraph.ts
│   ├── shader
│   │   ├── glsl.d.ts
│   │   ├── phong-fragment-shader.glsl
│   │   ├── phong-vertex-perspective-shader.glsl
│   │   ├── shader.ts
│   │   ├── texture-fragment-shader.glsl
│   │   └── texture-vertex-perspective-shader.glsl
│   ├── ticTacToe.ts
│   └── visitor.ts
├── tree.txt
├── tsconfig.json
└── webpack.config.js

The project is divided thematically into several folders. dist contains resources that are used directly in the browser including obj files that can be loaded into the scene by our OBJ loader. src contains all source files that are transpiled by webgl or the raytracer. We have structured the packages according to their functions:

  • math includes the methods for calculating with vectors, matrices and transformations.
  • nodes includes the nodes used by the scene-graph.
  • rasterizer includes the rastervisitor traversing the scenegraph and accepting the nodes as well as all object-classes created when visiting a node.
  • raytracer includes the rayvisitor traversing the scenegraph and accepting the nodes as well as all object-classes created when visiting a node. Also contains the phong lighting model for the raytracer and the ray class representing a ray shot from the camera to the canvas.
  • shader includes the shaders in WebGL, consisting of a vertex and fragment shader for phong lighting and a vertex and fragment shader for textures.

The following classes are not structured in packages, their functionalities are explained below:

  • Scenegraph.ts creates the scenegraph with all nodes, including object-nodes, transformations and animations.
  • Scenegraph-boilerplate.ts functions as index.ts class. Loading the scenegraph and holding event listeners for manipulating the scene. Also starts the rendering of the raytracer or rasterizer after initializing the scene.
  • visitors.ts interface for the visitor-pattern.
  • ticTacToe.ts creates a TicTacToe game consisting of 9 Texture-Text-Boxes. Also containing methods for playing the game and clearing.
  • OBJLoader.ts class for loading a .obj file into the scene.
  • mousevisitor.ts is a class for shooting a ray at the mouse position, checking for intersection of the clicked 3D-Object.
  • phong-properties.ts holds the phong lighting properties from the HTML-Document.
  • boxSharedProperties.ts contains vertices and normals for all raster-box objects.
  • glUtils.ts is a utility class for creating and binding buffers for WebGL.
  • jsonVisitor.ts saves the current state of the scenegraph as JSON file by visiting each node and saving its attributes.
  • jsonLoader.ts loads a JSON file containing the scenegraph.
  • animationVisitor.ts visits all animation nodes if a JSON file is uploaded.
  • index.ts has bootstrap imports.


Use a console to change to the root directory of this file and run

npm install


Then enter

npm start

and call up the server's website via to<port> or localhost:<port> in the browser. The port must be replaced from the console output.


General operation:

Switch between rasterizer and raytracer with key 2.

The p key can be used to start and stop the animation of the animation nodes.

Scene Manipulation

Buttons for the following functions are located below the render canvas:

  • Animation on/off: Starts and stops the animations of the entire scene (incl. video and game).

  • Clear Canvas: Deletes the content of the blue drawing canvas on the right.

  • Clear Game: Deletes the content of the TicTacToe game.

  • Download JSON: Saves the current scene as a JSON file.

  • Upload JSON: Loads a scene from a JSON file. A uploaded scene cannot be downloaded and uploaded again!

The Phong shading parameters can be set using the sliders below the render canvas.

Use keys "W,A,S,D" to translate the pyramid in their respective directions and "r,f" for translating it forward/backwards in the z-direction.

Interaction with Objects

On the Bottom of the canvas, there is a taskbar with two clickable boxes linked to the corresponding windows above. By clicking these boxes the user can minimize or maximize the windows.

Minimizing and maximizing the windows can also be achieved by clicking the rightmost sphere.

Zooming in and out to focus a single window can be achieved by clicking the leftmost sphere.

The right window displays a tic-tac-toe game. The user can click on the boxes to alternately place a cross or a circle on the playing field.


Nummer Punkte Beschreibung bearbeitet Verantwortliche/r
M1 5 Szenengraph
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
M2 10 Rasteriser & Ray Tracer
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
M3 3 min. drei eingebundene Objekte
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
M4 8 min. drei verschiedene Animationsknoten
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
M5 4 Objekte mit Textur
Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
M6 5 mathematische Bibliothek
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
M7 4 Phong Shader
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
M8 2 Zwei Anwendungsfenster
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
M9 4 Taskleiste mit Icons
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
M10 5 Auswahl & Manipulation per Maus
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
O1 7 Materials for phong shading
O2 3 Videos and Text as texture
Julius Arzberger
O3 8 OBJ Loader
Julius Arzberger
O4 4 Multiple moving light sources
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
O5 6 Magnifying glass effect
O6 4 Animation when clicking an object
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
O7 8 Camera Nodes as part of the scene grap
Marius Röhm, Lorenz Bauer
O8 5 Bounding Volumes
Marius Röhm, Julius Arzberger
O9 8 JSON Loader
Lorenz Bauer
10 7 Ractracing of all Objects from triangles
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
11 10 Shadow mapping in WebGL
12 10 Second, interactive scene as display content of the drawing area.
13 5 Simple application in the drawing area
Julius Arzberger, Marius Röhm
14 5 Own suggestion for an extension of the application
15 5 Exceptional implementation of requirements


The project was tested with the following configurations:

  • Windows 10 Build Version <22H2 19045.4046> mit

    • Firefox Version <123.0 (64-Bit)>
    • node js Version <v16.15.1></v16.15.1>
  • Ubuntu Linux Build Version <22.04.4> with

    • Firefox Version <123.0>
    • node js Version <v12.22.9>
  • PopOs Linux Build Version <22.04> with

    • Firefox Version <123.0>
    • node js Version <v12.22.9>
  • Fedora Linux Build Version <39 6.7.5-200.fc39.x86_64> mit

    • Firefox Version <122.0.1 (64-Bit)>
    • node js Version <v20.10.0>