
Primary LanguagePython

Demo for Timeless Timing Attacks

To run the demo, use following steps.

  1. Obtain a certificate for the domain on which you want to run the demo
  2. Place fullchain.pem and privkey.pem in the demo/certs folder. Also place a ssl-dhparams.pem file there (generate via e.g. openssl dhparam -out ssl-dhparams.pem 4096)
  3. In demo, run docker-compose up --build

The attack can then be run by first updating demo-attack/attack.py with the targeted server, and then simply running python attack.py (with Python version 3.7.x or higher, with hyper-h2 installed: pip install h2).

The h2time.py file originates from the original Timeless Timing Attack repository.