DVS Foundation support automation utility

This tools is intendent to be used to automate support of the DVS Foundation from different validators.

Main features:

  1. Validator commission withdrawal
  2. Distribution of the commission on different addresses with custom share
  3. 0% commission for specific delegators
  4. Rewards and commissions redelegation
  5. Notifications in case of failure

Supported blockchains

  • Cosmos SDK based networks

Supported operation systems and distributions


  • Ubuntu
  • Debian

Supported networks

  • SifChain
  • Medibloc
  • Umee
  • Comdex
  • Stargaze
  • Starname
  • Rizon
  • Firmachain
  • BitCanna
  • KiChain
  • Desmos

If you cannot find your chain in the list simply create a PR with it, or ask me directly (Telegram: https://t.me/Albert_OpenTech).

Known issues

I found it difficult to use this tool in conjunction with node inside docker container. Also please aware that this tool is NOT compatible with any kind of redelegation/reinvestment scripts. Please turn it off before using this tool.


In order to install all required tools simply issue following command:

$ bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Distributed-Validators-Synctems/fund-support-automation/main/setup.sh)

it will go through installation process and prepare configuration files.

It is recommended to collect commission cashback collector script every 5 minutes (otherwise it is possible to catch errors in case if you are pruning old blocks. Please use pruning = "default" configuration option in the app.toml file.)

You can update configuration later by editing address, config.sh and withdraw_addresses files.


If you want to activate notifications simply create notification.sh in same directory as address, config.sh and withdraw_addresses. And put any code into send_error_message functions. This function should accept CHAIN_ID parameter.



send_error_message () {
    local CHAIN_ID=$1 

    local ALERT_MSG=$(cat <<-EOF
<b>[Alerting] Distribution processing error</b>
Tokens distribution processing for chain '<b>$CHAIN_ID</b>' got an error. Please examine <b>debug.log</b>.

    curl --silent -X POST \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d "{\"parse_mode\": \"html\", \"chat_id\": \"<TELEGRAM CHANNEL ID>\", \"text\": \"$ALERT_MSG\"}" \
        https://api.telegram.org/<TELEGRAM BOT ID AND KEY>/sendMessage