Discoberry Farm

Setting Up

  1. Download Raspian Jessie with Pixel from raspberrypi.org

  2. Write the .img to a microSD card following this guide

  3. Put the microSD card in the pi; attach a monitor, keyboard, and mouse; then power it up.

  4. IMPORTANT Set the password for the pi user (default is "raspberry"):

      $ passwd
  5. Connect the pi's wifi to CSE-Local. Make sure to check the "Register Me Now" check box so that the department remembers this pi's MAC address.

  6. From $HOME clone this repo

      $ git clone https://github.com/DistributedComponents/discoberry-farm
  7. Update to latest release and install system dependencies:

      $ sudo $HOME/discoberry-farm/apt-update.sh
      $ sudo reboot
  8. Localize, enable ssh, and set hostname. Run:

      $ sudo raspi-config

    Under Localization set:

    • locale to en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 (make sure to unset the GB locale)
    • timezone to America/Los_Angeles
    • keyboard to US layout
    • wifi codes to US

    Under Interfacing Options set:

    • ssh to enabled

    Under Advanced Options set:

    • hostname to discoberryNN (where NN is the number of this pi)

    When you finish, accept the prompt to reboot.

  9. Set up ssh. Make sure ssh is running (and implicitly create $HOME/.ssh):

      $ ssh localhost

    Get the IP of this pi:

      $ $HOME/discoberry-farm/ip.sh

    From another pi in the farm, do (where IP is the IP address of the pi you are setting up):

      $ $HOME/discoberry-farm/copy-keys-to.sh IP

    Now to make sshd passwordless, run:

      $ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    and make sure these lines are set as follows:

        PermitRootLogin no
        PermitEmptyPasswords no
        ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
        PasswordAuthentication no
        UsePAM no

    Finally, restart sshd so the changes take effect:

      $ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  10. Copy DNSTOK from another pi in the farm:

      $ scp discoberryNN.duckdns.org:~/discoberry-farm/DNSTOK $HOME/discoberry-farm/

    If you're setting up a pi numbered 1 - 5, then NN should be in that range. If you're setting up a pi numbered 6 - 10, then NN should be in that range. Next, make sure this pi is registered on Duck DNS. Finally, install the crontab:

      $ crontab $HOME/discoberry-farm/crontab