Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine learning model selection.
- 1
Conda install fails
#1316 opened by mlplace - 3
DiscriminationThreshold() for catboost
#1317 opened by FeFortti - 1
Yellowbrick no updated since 1 year ago?!
#1315 opened by celestinoxp - 0
CooksDistance regressor generating error
#1314 opened by ImolaS3 - 0
Classification report shows classes inverted if passed from sklearn label encoder
#1313 opened by alessandrofilisetti - 0
- 2
InterclusterDistance AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_get_renderer'
#1310 opened by faiafederico - 4
Interactive plots - support plotly backend.
#1309 opened by elphick - 1
Add arguments to change PCA biplot arrow and arrow label colors and other properties
#1311 opened by GegznaV - 1
Can't plot class report with trained model
#1308 opened by OleksandrSG - 3
ConfusionMatrix visualizer error with sklearn models
#1292 opened by AmericaBG - 7
- 2
No figure output of the show method and produce a lot of findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found warnings
#1302 opened by bingyao - 0
Version 1.5 Release Checklist
#1280 opened by bbengfort - 0
Matplotlib warning about color usage in Datasaurus
#1299 opened by lwgray - 5
- 2
- 2
Adjusting markersize in `prediction_error`
#1298 opened by LSYS - 3
- 1
[SilhouetteVisualizer] Constructor argument is_fitted is ignored during initialization
#1290 opened by stergion - 1
Use classification visualizers directly from predictions, targets and logits?
#1289 opened by 2533245542 - 3
- 4
How not to plot legend in RadViz plot?
#1286 opened by ivan-marroquin - 5
- 1
On the generation of RadViz plot
#1287 opened by ivan-marroquin - 2
- 2
More params to the plot functions
#1278 opened by Daniel-Trung-Nguyen - 12
ResidualsPlot: "UserWarning: X does not have valid feature names, but LinearRegression was fitted with feature names"
#1261 opened by luukburger - 0
- 15
'KMeans' object has no attribute 'k'
#1266 opened by nipnipj - 0
Fix Warnings in Build and Deploy Process
#1281 opened by bbengfort - 2
- 1
Upgrade dependency to newer numpy
#1277 opened by yht - 0
Build More Sklearn Pipeline Test - Part 1
#1257 opened by lwgray - 0
Build more Sklearn Pipeline Test - Part 2
#1256 opened by lwgray - 0
Add Sklearn pipeline test for more complicated Visualizers
#1255 opened by lwgray - 0
Update Validation Curve Docs
#1272 opened by lwgray - 1
Enable plt.close() to clear memory
#1231 opened by dilettante8 - 1
Unable to Use Keras Model for Visualizations
#1240 opened by raghavgurbaxani - 0
AttributeError: 'KMeans' object has no attribute 'k'
#1267 opened by nipnipj - 2
Add description of parameter to docstring
#1236 opened by lwgray - 0
Issue with classification_report function when there are missing labels during scoring
#1246 opened by admo1 - 0
Add test for Sklearn Pipeline - CVScores
#1253 opened by lwgray - 0
- 4
KElbowVisualizer wrapping functionality does not work with notebook rendering of estimator
#1232 opened by vtphan - 0
Test `get_params` in all of our visualizers
#1252 opened by bbengfort - 1
- 6
Add Dropping Curve Documentation
#1235 opened by lwgray - 0
Refactor DataVisualizer and MissingDataVisualizer to enable the missing values visualizers to be converted to feature visualizers
#1244 opened by pdamodaran - 3