
A collection of basic ansible roles to make administration of basic tasks easier on a broad scale.

Primary LanguageJinja


A collection of basic ansible roles to make administration of basic tasks easier on a broad scale.


Role Description
apt Updates packages and installs basic tools, defined in defaults/main.yml
fail2ban Installs fail2ban and configures jails from tasks/jail.local
git Installs git on the target hosts
github-keys Creates users and adds github ssh keys to that user, defined in defaults/main.yml
mount-smb Creates users and adds github ssh keys to that user, defined in defaults/main.yml
node-exporter Installs node-exporter on linux hosts and configures a systemd unit file to control it
nomad Installs and initializes a nomad cluster. Uses group nomad with configuration stored in group_vars/vars.yml
pi-hole Installs Pi-Hole on selected hosts
secure-ssh Hardens SSH login and user access. Variables are configured in `defaults/main.yml
set-inform-unifi Sets the specified hosts unifi application inform url to allow control of the device



Author Information

This role was created in 2022 by DistroByte.