
The shopping dataset is an Excel format file with 3 sheets; user_tab, performance_tab, and order_tab. Here are the instructions I need to query in this data!

  1. Write an SQL statement to find the first and latest order date of each buyer in each shop
  2. Write an SQL statement to find buyer that make more than 1 order in 1 month
  3. Write an SQL statement to find the first buyer of each shop
  4. Write an SQL statement to find number of buyer of each country that purchased item with even and odd itemid number

Question 1: Write an SQL statement to find the first and latest order date of each buyer in each shop q1

Question 2: Write an SQL statement to find buyer that make more than 1 order in 1 month q2

Question 3: Write an SQL statement to find the first buyer of each shop q3

Question 4: Write an SQL statement to find number of buyer of each country that purchased item with even and odd itemid number q4