
Content from the AI and IOT Summit in February 2020

Microsoft IOT and AI Summit

02/04 - 02/05 2020 Microsoft Office Munich

Thank you all for your attendance. It was a real pleasure to have you on board. As promised here are the information from the speakers as I got the approval to publish. Unfortunately some information are __NDA__ only and cannot be shared in a public place. So please contact the speaker directly.

But first the agenda:



As soon as I get the permission and the slidedeck from the speakers, I will publish them here:

KeyNote , Contact: Chase Hawkins: Chase.Hawkins@microsoft.com
Intel: Open Vino & Azure IOT Edge, Contact: Roy Allela: roy.m.allela@intel.com and Christian Donitzky: christian.donitzky@intel.com
NVIDIA's presentation on AI & IOT Edge, Contact: Dr. Ulrich Knechtel: uknechtel@nvidia.com, Teresa Conceicao: tconceicao@nvidia.com
HPE, Intel and Microsoft Industrial Architecture, Contact: Jochen Mohr Jochen.Mohr@HPE.com, Axel Dittmann Axel.Dittmann@Microsoft.com
Moxa: Enabling IOT , Contact: Christian Gromeier: Christian.Gromeier@moxa.com
ERNW: IOT Security , Contact: Christoph Klaasen: cklaassen@ernw.de
Carl Zeiss Group: IoT and IIoTin a Corporate Environment - Please reach out directly since some content is not inteded for a public audience, Contact: Dr.-Ing. Romeo Ayemele Djeujo romeo.ayemele-djeujo@zeiss.com
IOT Update - NDA session, Contact: Vitaliy Slepakov directly Vitaliy.Slepakov@Microsoft.com
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG: Event driven industrial IOT , Contact: Dr. Hans Fleischmann fleishas@schaeffler.com, Bertram Holzer holzebrt@schaeffler.com
Azure Synapse & DataLake Architectures , Contact: Ruediger Schickhaus Ruediger.Schickhaus@Microsoft.com
Edge platform overview , Contact: Alexander Ortha Alexander.Ortha@Microsoft.com
TensorFlow as a Service - AI Update , Contact: Sascha Dittmann Sascha.Dittmann@Microsoft.com
Azure Data Explorer Introduction , Contact: Hans-Peter Bareiner habarein@microsoft.com