
  • @Developer: Divek
  • @Project : Pass encrypted data through URL and Decrypt from another Url And catch encrypted data through URL and Decrypt from url
  • @Date : 30-7-2018
  • @copyright: Divek John
  • @license : GPL
  • @version : 1.0
  • @Bugs : @Max 900 characters can be passed through URL ..Browser Limitation and encrypted string length becomes more. As 2,083 a standard max length of browsers
  • @usage : example 1: enc.html?q=hello?q=123 ...'hello' is a message '123' is a key
  • @usage2 : example 1: dec.html?q=aGVsbG8=?q=MTIz?q=123 ...'aGVsbG8=?q=MTIz' is a encrypted message 'MTIz' is a encrypted key ,'123' is a inputed key