
Easily streamline links and resources in a beautiful and organized way

Primary LanguageVue

Napoly Frontend


  • In order to access the API, knowledge of Axios is essential
  • In order to make use of global variables through the store, knowledge of vuex is essential

Project setup

To install all node dependencies make sure to run

$ npm run serve

on the root directory of the cloned project.

API Access

To make use of the live API locally, change the following line

// src/backend/axios/index.js


var API_URL = 'http://localhost:3000' // Development


to the value:

var API_URL = 'http://api.napoly.ch' // Development

or, in case you are an authenticated user and would like to safely edit data, use:

var API_URL = 'http://staging.api.napoly.ch' // Development

which will connect you to the staging API which has a separate database that can be edited however you please.

The API json directories that can be indexed without authentication are available via the following links:

The links of a specific subject (in this case with subject_id === 1) can be accessed via:

The infos and buttons of a specific subject (in this case with subject_id === 1) can be accessed via:

Userdata cannot be accessed unless logged in.