
A continuous integration testing flow for mainnet and testnet networks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Continuous Integration

Procedural Continuous Integration testing suite for Divi full nodes.

How it works

The Continuous Integration testing suite works by SSHing into your full nodes. Taking a specific commit from the Divi repository. And then, runs tests accordingly for that commit. The standard procedure when testing a specific commit on Divi is as follows.

  1. Compile and run make and make install.

  2. make check is fully operational.

  3. (Optional with yarn test) Can run a set of transactions to make sure consensus works correctly amongst full nodes.


  1. RSA Key access to atleast 4 Divi full nodes

  2. Node.js LTS

  3. Properly configured full nodes

Configuring full nodes

  1. Divi is cloned in /root/Divi
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/DiviProject/Divi
  1. Divi is compilable on the machine. We suggest using Ubuntu.
# The following should make sure you can compile Divi on your machine
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make gcc g++ pkg-config autoconf libtool libboost-all-dev libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y
  1. The machine has Intranet access and can update the repository via git.


Node Configuration

  1. make sure to configure your node.ci.config.json node. The configuration file uses the following format:
        "network": "mainnet",
        "snapshot": "https://divi-snapshots.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/1582514766401-mainnet-snapshot.zip",
        "logfile": "node1.log",
        "ssh": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 22,
            "username": "root",
            "privateKey": "/path/to/id_rsa"

The private key would be your id_rsa in your .ssh or any other RSA key that you have provided to existing nodes.

You can actually use node.ci.config.example.json as an example.

Configuration Path

You can specify a custom path for a configuration file by using the CONFIG environment variable. The default path is ~/node.ci.config.json.

export CONFIG='path/to/config/file.json'
# Windows / DOS
SET CONFIG=path\to\config\file.json

divi.conf Configuration

You can also set a custom path for the divi.conf file in nodes. The default path is /root/.divi/divi.conf.

export DIVI_CONF='/root/.divi/divi.conf'
# Windows / DOS (note the path doesn't use Windows path escape sequence)
SET DIVI_CONF=/root/.divi/divi.conf


You can customize the networks seed nodes with the seeds.conf. This method is optional. However it is required to do main network sandbox testing when using a snapshot of the mainnet. The default path is ~/seeds.conf.

export SEED_CONFIG='path/to/config/file.json'
# Windows / DOS
SET SEED_CONFIG=path\to\config\file.json


If you don't have the required dependencies. You can run.

yarn install

After setting up the configuration file. You can now make and run nodes by running yarn make

yarn make

Once the make procedure is successful. You can then run the boot procedure. This will run the divid daemon.

yarn boot

If you want to use a snapshot (from https://snapshots.diviproject.org), make sure to run the kill procedure. And then the snapshot command.

yarn kill # this turns off the divi daemon in every node.
yarn snapshot # this migrates the snapshot to the node.

Please make sure to give each node time to process and update configurations. For example. If you are booting from a snapshot of the chain. Or if you're booting to the main network. You will need to wait for the network to sync.

If you want to use custom seeds. Run the yarn seeds command. Just make sure to make the project again after.

yarn seeds
yarn make # make the project after updating seeds