
how get labels multi collo shipment

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How can i get the labels. This is working:


But what do need to do to get the labels? You cannot get it from GenerateLabelResponse.

I can get the labels deeper: $result->getResponseShipments()->getResponseShipment() but i want to have a MergedLabel.

Get a mergedLabel like so (note that you need to specify 'GraphicFile|PDF|Merge' in the generateLabels call):

$result = $client->generateLabels(new ComplexTypes\ArrayOfShipment([$shipment1,$shipment2]), 'GraphicFile|PDF|Merge');

$i = 0;
foreach($result->getMergedLabels() as $mergedLabel){
	foreach($mergedLabel->getLabels() as $label) {
		$filename = "label_$i.pdf";
		$file = new \SplFileObject($filename, 'w');
		$file = null; //close file

It should only return one label file, but I've put it in a loop to be sure.

Thnx! didn't now there was a second parameter :-) Stupid