- 0
- 4
Update of PostNL API 2020
#78 opened by MAKE-Robbert - 1
Error Code 13308 "Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we currently cannot ship to this destination"
#77 opened by Soetens - 1
CN23 forms for Customs
#73 opened by Soetens - 1
- 3
Support for PHP 8
#81 opened by michieljakobs - 1
How to post a email or smsnumber of customer...
#79 opened by Peterbins - 0
- 16
Get warnings
#68 opened by Peterbins - 7
Old API shutdown november 2018
#67 opened by mro95 - 11
Multi collo shipment not working new API
#72 opened by vkas002 - 1
- 3
composer require dividebv/postnl
#70 opened by qlt - 13
Bug: new API GetNearestLocationsRequest
#64 opened by 11mb - 3
Errors in Confirming
#63 opened by ameenross - 2
- 2
Getting all labels from an multi colli
#59 opened by qualityplatforms - 1
generate pick-up label
#57 opened by matthijs-neijenhuijs - 1
Get Weight form dilivery
#42 opened by stuiterbal1984 - 3
- 1
#60 opened by qualityplatforms - 12
2_2 api is online
#55 opened by matthijs-neijenhuijs - 3
Using an multi-colli
#56 opened by qualityplatforms - 3
Enable Address::StreetHouseNrExt property
#51 opened by annuh - 6
getSentDate not part of postnl class
#49 opened by matthijs-neijenhuijs - 1
GetNearestLocations method name inconsistency
#48 opened by slokhorst - 2
GetLocation Function
#47 opened by PaulVanDeKamer - 2
What printerType are available, need png
#45 opened by timo002 - 2
how get labels multi collo shipment
#44 opened by matthijs-neijenhuijs - 3
Set Evening delivery
#39 opened by stuiterbal1984 - 0
- 2
Set the Labeltype
#37 opened by Hill103 - 8
Increased responsibility
#18 opened by PaulVanDeKamer - 5
- 6
Use the latest available API versions
#24 opened by slokhorst - 6
Cannot generate BE labels
#12 opened by mfprogrammer2 - 2
#20 opened by LVoogd - 2
Generating barcode by destination for DE fails
#11 opened by Dybo - 4
Set Receiver Email and Phonenumber
#16 opened by PaulVanDeKamer - 3
How to set label printer type
#14 opened by hubinjie - 23
- 6
Unsupported Globalpack barcode type
#6 opened by JeroenBakker - 3
PHP 7 compatibility
#5 opened by slokhorst - 1
Requires soap PHP extension
#4 opened by slokhorst - 2
Namespaces are not working properly. Getting error "Fatal error: Class 'Postnl' not found"
#2 opened by vkas002 - 2
Get the current status of a package
#1 opened by ITSYV