Learning about Agents - With some Dev,Sec,Ops examples


We'll be asking agents powered by LLMs to create bash script.

  • We start with a simple LLM call using langchain
  • Then we show the ReAct pattern using langchain
  • After that we create a Solo Agent with CrewAI a framework for Agents
  • Next up the Ops crew joins the Dev crew to improve the script by bringing a tool that can check Bash syntax
  • Finally we show how we can add the Sec crew into a predictable workflow using Langgraph


  • We'll demystify that it's all about prompts
  • Well show what goes over the wire to the LLM


  • The notebooks assume you are using OpenAI
  • and it needs the ENV VAR OPENAI_API_KEY set. (create a .env file for example when using VSCode )