A webapp made in Django to generate a portfolio
Generate your portfolio in 3 easy steps:
- Login or signup
- Enter required details.
- View your generated portfolio.
Download dependencies
Always use virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running project locally
- Create a file sensitive_email_data.py and place it in "myproject" directory.
- There is a template sensitive_email_data(template).md which includes data to include in sensitive_email_data.py.
- Cloned repo will not work unless you provide your secret key.
- Create a file secret_keys.py and place it in "myproject" directory.
- There is a template secret_keys(template).md which includes data to be included in secret_keys.py
- Generate a secret key using Django secret key generator.
- Paste the key generated in secret_keys.py created using template.
- Create a file oauth_keys.py and place it in "myproject" directory.
- There is a template for oauth_keys(template).md which includes data to be included in oauth_keys.py
- Install the requirements from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Full documentation can be found here