NOTE: There was a Sonobuoy blog post walking through this plugin, its benefits, and how to use it. See:

Custom End-To-End (E2E) Tests

This plugin is meant as a skeleton for you to grab and run with to implement your own custom tests in Kubernetes.

The benefits of using this plugin instead of starting from scratch:

  • Automatically comes with the e2e-test-framework imported/configured
  • Includes basic examples so you don't have to look up basic boilerplate
  • Automatically comes with a Dockerfile and plugin.yaml so there is less overhead to getting started
  • Will get support as the e2e-test-framework and Sonobuoy evolve to get the best features supported by default

How to use this plugin

  • Clone this repo
  • Modify the build script to specify your registry/image/tag
  • Write tests (using main_test.go as a jumping off point)
  • Run ./ to build the image and push it to your registry
  • sonobuoy run -p plugin.yaml to run your own plugin


  • Implement progress updates by default using the e2e-test-framework hooks
  • Within Sonobuoy, support go test --json output so that the results are intelligently parsed in order to get full Sonobuoy integration