
Travel App lets you search for places in or around. The search could be generic or specific to a category.

Primary LanguageSwift

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Travel App lets you search for places in or around a place. The search could be generic or specific to a category. The app then gets you all the relevant data for the place from Google place APIs. Technology Stack : Swift, iOS framework.

Third-party libraries by CocoaPods are also being used.

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Note: You need to generate your own api keys and add to the AppDelegate.

How to get Google API Key • To get a Google API key, please follow these steps: • Go to the Google Developers Console:

https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=geocoding_backend&keyType=SERVER_SIDE&reusekey=true • Create a project. • At every Google APIs’ guide page, click “Get a key” and select a created project.