A Deep Learning Approach to Cat, Dog, and Panda Image Classification


Predicting the class of an image using a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) involves leveraging the powerful capabilities of deep learning models that have been trained on a large dataset to recognize patterns and features in images. In this scenario, the task is to predict whether the input image belongs to one of three classes: panda, cat, or dog. The process of using a pre-trained CNN for image classification allows for efficient and accurate predictions, as the model has already learned a rich set of features from a large dataset during its training phase. This approach is widely used in various real-world applications, such as object recognition, medical imaging, and autonomous vehicles, where accurate and fast image classification is essential.

Dataset: Obtained from Kaggle. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ashishsaxena2209/animal-image-datasetdog-cat-and-panda