
The Foodie's World Website is for the Foodie's people who has create and view their recipes. Built using Django Frameworks, sqlite3 and deploy on netlify

Primary LanguageHTML

Deploy on your Local Server :

  • update pip

python -m pip install --update pip

  • install git in your desktop
  • create new folder and run

git init

  • now clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/Divyansh6799/Foodie-s-World-Web-Applications-Django-

  • open food-recipe-web-app

cd food-recipe-web-app

  • to start virtual environment


  • now run

pip install -r requirements.text

  • now run

python manage.py runserver

Details about the web-app :
this web app has been made using Django Framework. Sqlite3 Relational DBMS has been used which is a default DBMS for django. To query the database django Queryset has been used. "fooddetail" model has been created which contains "author" as a ForeignKey attribute which is primary key for inbuilt user model. "fooddetail" model contains fields : name ,description ,ingredients,steps,image . you have to install pillow which supports in accessing images >pip install pillow Html, css and bootstrap has been used to design the frontend. I have made this site online by uploading it on pythonanywhere web hosting server.

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