
This repository holds the code for the Project 2 of course COL362 (Database Systems)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • Code

    • Keep all your C++ source files inside the home directory.
    • You are supposed to use the functions mentioned in file_manager.h. Read documentation.txt for details of what each function does.
    • Go through sample_run.cpp to get an idea of how to use the file manager.
    • The whole source code has been shared with you for your debugging purposes and if you wish to compile in a different environment.
  • Testcases

    • Sample test files have been added to testcases directory. Read the README.txt for details on the testcases.
  • Note

    • Please don't try any funny business like by-passing the file_manager or storing the complete (large) file in your own memory. The file manager we provided must be used for every access to file.