
This is for the TEKsystems Hackathon Round which is an API bundle that solves event management paradigms

Primary LanguagePython

Event Management API Bundle

The API bundle that manages event records and resolves attendance issues for the events

API Documentation (POSTMAN)



Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/LastBencher-98/event_management_api_bundle.git

Build Docker (optional because not yet tested)

Run the image, binding associated ports, and mounting the present working directory:

build event_mgmt/api_container from source:

cd event_management_api_bundle
docker run -p 5555:5555 event_mgmt/api_container 

Config Gmail API

A Pythonic interface to the Gmail API that actually works as of June 2019.

The Gmail API quickstart doesn't actually seem to work on Python 3 without some adjustments, and the entire documentation is a bit much for someone who just wants to read and send emails from their Gmail account. EZGmail just works.

The Gmail API documentation by Google is available at https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/

You will need to download a credentials-gmail.json file by going to https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/python and clicking the Enable the Gmail API button (after logging in to your Gmail account). You will need to rename the downloaded credentials.json file to credentials-gmail.json.

Install Requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install and Configure MongoDB

Please visit here Getting_started_MongoDB Pass the right host domain/ip and port in flask_server.py

Populate Students to DB

python3 populate_students.py --help
python3 populate_students.py --filename students.xlsx 

Populate Co-ordinators to DB

Pass yes/no for notifying the co-oridinators via email

python3 populate_cords.py --help
python3 populate_cords.py --filename students.xlsx --email yes

Run the Documentaion server

python3 flask_document_server.py

Generate self-signed digital certificates (optional)

chmod +x self_signed_key_gen.sh

Replace if you have CA certificates, replace cert.pem and key.pem respectively

Run the API server

For running over http

python3 flask_server.py nossl

For running over https

python3 flask_server.py ssl


  • Deploy in cloud
  • Debugging Dockerfile since its not tested
  • Making the whole codebase PEP8 compatible
