
Angular Tools

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.0.0.

This project is a test project to demonstrate POC projects.


Container and Images:

  1. Container is running image. When start running in a environment it is called container
  2. Image is simply a packed set of files containing all the files need to run the application.

Docker commands:

  • docker run - Creates and run existing or non-existing image.
  • docker start - Starts a container.
  • docker stop - Stops a container.
  • docker image - Shows list of all he images
  • docker ps - shows available containers.

Docker Topics

  1. What is Docker? what is Container?
  2. Docker vs Virtual Machine
  3. Main Commands
  4. Debugging a Container
  5. Docker Compose, yaml file.
  6. Docker File
  7. Private Docker Repos
  8. Deploying the containerized App
  9. Volumes - Persisting Data
  10. Memory and CPU Allocation

Docker and Containers

  • Container is a way to package applications and its dependecies along with configurations needed to run the application.
  • Containers are moveable and can be shared with others.
  • Containers are layer of images.

Container and Images:

  1. Container is running image. When start running in a environment it is called container
  2. Image is simply a packed set of files containing all the files need to run the application.

Docker and Virtual Machine

Docker does not implement kernal layer, it only implements Application Layer. It uses the kernal of the host.

While Virtual Machine have complete Kernal of the image.


Since Docker depends host kernal, image build for one OS may not work in other. This does not happen with VM, since it has a complete kernal that directly interact with the hardware.

Main Command

  • docker run - Creates and run existing or non-existing image.
  • docker run redis:10.0 - Get specific version.
  • docker run -a : List running and stopped containers.
  • docker run --name <name of the container>: provide of the container.
  • docker start - Starts a container.
  • docker stop - Stops a container.
  • docker image - Shows list of all he images
  • docker ps - Shows available containers.
  • docker rmi: removes image.
  • docker rm: remove container.
  • docker run -d: Run the container in detached mode.
    • -p <host>:<containerPort>: Port to bind
  • docker exec -it <name/id of the container> /bin/sh: Get access to the shell of the container running in interactive mode.
  • docker logs: See logs of the current running container or for the specific process id.

Container and Host Ports

Application running docker are not visible as long as we expose the ports or bind one of the available port of the host to container port.

Host can only have one port per container, multiple application can run on same port inside the container.

docker run -p <host>:<containerPort> redis: Port to binding.

Workflow of Docker


Docker Network

Container networking refers to the ability for containers to connect to and communicate with each other, or to non-Docker workloads.

A container has no information about what kind of network it's attached to, or whether their peers are also Docker workloads or not. A container only sees a network interface with an IP address, a gateway, a routing table, DNS services, and other networking details. That is, unless the container uses the none network driver.

docker network ls

docker network create <network-name>


docker run -d-p2300:2300 -net mongo-network--name mongodb

This will start the container in mongo-network. Other application can also start in the same network.

Docker Compose

Example of yaml file is in the directory. anna.yaml.

  • docker-compose -f ./anna.yaml up: Starts all the containers listed in the yaml file

  • docker-compose -f ./anna.yaml down: Stops all the containers listed in the yaml file.

  • Docker compose create network by default. Once we stop all the containers it removes the network that it has created.


Find the Dockerfile in the root directory.

Docker file is used to create new image of the application.

docker build -t anna:1.0 .