Hexlet tests and linter status:

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  • python >=3.*
  • poetry


  • make install - to install dependencies using poetry
  • make build - to build the source and wheels archives
  • make package-install - to install the games package in your home directory
  • game name - to run any game after installing the brain_games package

You can run any game without installing games package:

  • "make game name"

Project description

games/ - Directory with games logic:

  • games/brain_main.py - module with general game flow -- run_game(game) - runs a game from the module. The module must have:
    string HELLO_MESSAGE to greet the player
    function get_question_with_answer to get question string and a correct answer

  • each game has its own module with this game's data and logic

scripts/ - Directory with scripts that launch games. Each module imports a game and calls brain_main.run_brain_game(game) to launch this game.

Gameplay recordings

brain-even: https://asciinema.org/a/C9wxIDjlIcyCQ4bmEwaSlKOpD

brain-calc: https://asciinema.org/a/jzWURE25xr0E2FStIGKtCXOvt

brain-gcd: https://asciinema.org/a/jzWURE25xr0E2FStIGKtCXOvt

brain-progression: https://asciinema.org/a/twxjDuvT2YMbyVim790Mx0HWS

brain-prime: https://asciinema.org/a/56RdXdXNfTwaqKZgRQSLEeMVb