
My lab assignments from the DB course at KPI

Primary LanguagePython



Lab1: https://github.com/Dizzzmas/DB_course_labs/tree/lab1

Lab2: https://github.com/Dizzzmas/DB_course_labs/tree/lab2


curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python  # poetry

Useful Commands:

Python Virtual Environment:

poetry shell  # activate python virtual environment
poetry install  # install dependencies

Run Dev Server:

flask  # CLI commands
make idb # Setup and seed database
make run  # run flask dev server


Using Postgresql.

createdb db_labs  # create DB
flask db upgrade  # run migrations
flask seed  # populate with sample data
flask db migrate  # generate new migration
flask db  # more migration commands

API Documentation:

Once your flask dev server is running: