
Uni task 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。

Primary LanguagePython

QA Assignment 1. Docker


Quick note: this solution uses docker-compose instead of running the usual docker commands.


You should have docker installed: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/


Run sh ./start.sh for quickstart.

This command will:

  • Build docker images for client/server
  • Create a user-defined network named qa_assignment_1_cs_network
  • Create docker volumes servervol and clientvol
  • Run the server container with the Flask app
  • Run the client container which will immediately request a file from the server, write it to clientdata and compare checksums.

Checking that things work

  • Run docker exec -it client /bin/sh to enter the client container. Run cd ./client/clientdata & cat file.txt to see the contents that were written to the file.
  • Checking the network: docker inspect qa_assignment_1_cs_network
  • Checking the volumes: docker inspect qa_assignment_1_servervol & docker inspect qa_assignment_1_clientvol

Docker containers configuration could be found in docker-compose.yml.

Server API

The server is a Flask app featuring these endpoints:

  • GET / - returns the contents of the file serverdata/blah.txt
  • GET /checksum - returns the checksum of the file serverdata/blah.txt
