Bonjour there 👋

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on:

    • LumiaWOA, improving the driver experience of running Windows 10 on Lumia 950 and 950 XLs
    • UUPMediaCreator - a tool to create media from Microsoft Unified Update Platform
    • A secret project that may or may not be related to blue birds.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning telecommunication engineering.

  • 📫 How to reach me:

  • âš¡ I've worked on several projects over the years, notably InteropTools and WOA Project and the RT4Lumia project. I like writing apps for the UWP platform, C#, C++/C. I like collecting old hardware, and prototype hardware, as well as old software and old prototype software.

  • 😄 I own a Dog, named Frei because I was going to get it on a Friday, (but didn't in the end, got it monday instead). This dog was abandonned by the previous owner and now owns 99% of my entire house supply of cushions and sofas. I used to own 2 cats as well, both sadly passed away in 2018. I speak both English and French, and German a little.