
Spoof UDP discovery packets broadcasted by StudioLive III consoles

Primary LanguageC

PreSonus StudioLive Console Advertisement

UDP discovery packets are periodically (every 3 seconds) broadcasted from StudioLive III consoles, so that remote applications such as UC Surface and Universal Control can discover them.
In scenarios where these UDP broadcast packets do not reach the device (i.e. firewall or routing (mis)configurations), a device may be unable to know the existence of a console.

This code snippet crafts a discovery packet through raw sockets, such that the source IP can be spoofed.

Currently Linux only, because idk how to use winsock2 on Windows ☞(⌒▽⌒)☜

Usage (as root): ./advertise <spoof_ip> [--once]

  • spoof_ip - The IP address to spoof - this should be the address of your console
  • --once - (optional) - Send only one packet, instead of periodically

Until I implement a better proper command line argument parser, you can modify the modelString, serialNumber and friendlyName strings in the source code to change the details of the advertised console

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