
Allow foreign key attributes in list_display with '__'

Primary LanguagePython


Allow foreign key attributes in list_display with '__'

This is based on DjangoSnippet 2996 which was made by Kpacn.


  1. This library is on PyPI so you can install it with:

    pip install django-related-admin

or from github:

pip install git+https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-related-admin#egg=django-related-admin
  1. Add "related_admin" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:



Just use it instead of model.Admin:

from related_admin import RelatedFieldAdmin

class FooAdmin(RelatedFieldAdmin):
    # these fields will work automatically:
    list_display = ('address__phone','address__country__country_code','address__foo')

    # ... but you can also define them manually if you need to override short_description:
    address__foo = getter_for_related_field('address__foo', short_description='Custom Name')