
ONNXRuntime Error

jolpadgett opened this issue · 3 comments

Received the following error on two different files since upgrading to 3.4.

Upscale error
Please report the error on Github or Telegram

[ONNXRuntime] : 1 : FAIL : D:\a\_work\1\s\onnxruntime\core\providers\dml\DmlExecutionProvider\src\ExecutionProvider.cpp(923)\onnxruntime_pybind11_state.pyd!00007FF8D5611C42: (caller: 00007FF8D5612651) Exception(2) tid(9d24) 887A0006 The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because of an inval...

I have attempted to upscale two videos since upgrading and both failed with the above error at various points in their processing.

  • on the first file, I tried 3 times to upscale but received the error each time. The error did not occur at the same point in the process.
  • between on of the attempts with this first file, I removed and unzipped QS 3.4 fresh in case there was something cached badly.
  • In case the file itself was the issue, I tried with a second file and received the same error.
  • I usually keep the last version as a backup but did not do it this time, so I had no way to try the files with 3.2.
  • The first few attempts were using the AI Multithreading option set to 2. All subsequent attempts were with this set to disabled.
  • Full precision
  • RealESR_Gx4
  • Interpolation medium
  • GPU High Performance
  • GPU VRam 2G
  • CPU Number 2
  • Input Resolution 75%
  • Image Output .jpg
  • Video Output mp4 x265

Have two GPUs in the machine: NVIDIA GeForce MX330 and Intel Iris Xe (Tiger Lake GT2). Assuming the High Performance option would select NVIDIA

Hi my friend,

after some research about this error, seems to be a communication error between DirectX and GPU, typically happens with some video games as well.

The only solution seems to update GPU drivers. (I suggest using DDU to uninstall the previous drivers cleanly).

Also, some other solution could be to install PREREQUISITES libraries:

  1. (If not already installed) install Visual-C-Runtimes:

  2. (If not already installed) install Directx:

Please, let me know if this solution fix the problem :)


For the question of "which GPU is that Performance and which Power saving".
Typically, GPU High Performance is GPU 0 visible in the Task Manager, while GPU Power Saving is GPU 1 in the Task Manager; but these indices may reverse if the PC is plugged in.


Thanks for the quick response.

I performed all the installs and updates noted.

  • Running 3.4 resulted in the same error.
  • Monitoring the task manager GPU graphs, "High Performance" activates GPU 1 on my machine which is the NVIDIA.
    • Found 3.1 on my cloud backup, ran it and it also had the same error. Assuming possibly that my NVIDIA is borked.
  • Switching to the "Power Saving" activated Intel Iris GPU 0 and I did not see the same error.
  • However, I am now seeing consistent cases where not all extracted frames are upscaled which eventually causes a file not found error when combining upscaled frames at the end of the process.
    • I am currently attempting this on a local drive. All my previous uses have been to files on an external drive.
    • My standard image format selection has been jpg. If the error happens again on the local drive, I will try again with png to see if that makes a difference.
    • if problem continues, will communicate via separate thread to avoid conflating two separate issues.

If there is a way to get more detailed logs, let me know.

Testing the same files on the local drive and with my original settings completed with out a problem. So I believe both the original GPU error and later failure to generate all upscaled frames could be contention issues writing to the external drive. While the external drive worked fine with QualityScaler for many months, as we all know, drives can have performance issues as they age.

Closing this as it is now looking like it is not a QualityScaler issue.

Thanks for the handy tool.