
A opiniated and FP compliant binding for react redux using hooks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ramduck React Redux

Tired of creating containers, of mapping your state to some props. Looking for a more meaningfull approach ?

This little project brings the power ramduck redux to react redux


// src/components/TodoList.js
import React from 'react'
import { changeTodo, addTodo, toggleTodo, removeTodo } from '../some/reducer/todo'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

const TodoList = ({
  list = [],
  newTodo = '',
}) =>
  <div className="todo list">
    {list.map(todo =>
        className="todo ${todo.checked ? 'checked' : ''}"
        <i className="ico close" onClick={removeTodo(todo.id)} />
    <input type="text" onChange={changeTodo} value={newTodo} />
    <button onClick={addTodo(newTodo)}>Add todo</button>

export default connect(
  state => state.todos,
  dispatch => ({
    changeTodo: event => dispatch(changeTodo(event.target.value)),
    addTodo: text => event => dispatch(addTodo(text)),
    toggleTodo: id => event => dispatch(toggleTodo(id)),
    removeTodo: id => event => dispatch(removeTodo(id)),

With ramduck-react-redux (assuming that you are using ramduck redux)

import { map } from 'ramda'
import TodoList, { addTodo, removeTodo, toggleTodo, changeTodo } from '../some/reducer/todos'
import React from 'react'
import { useData, useAction, useActionEff } from 'ramduck-react-redux'

export default () =>
  <div className="todo list">
    {map(todo =>
        className="todo ${todo.checked ? 'checked' : ''}"
        <i className="ico close" onClick={useAction(removeTodo(todo.id))} />
    ) (useData(TodoList, 'list'))}
      onChange={useActionEff(event => changeTodo(event.target.value))} 
    <button onClick={useAction(addTodo(useData(TodoList, 'newTodo')))}>Add todo</button>


with npm: npm i ramduck-react-redux --save

with yarn: yarn add ramduck-react-redux


This module is using React 16.8 hooks, you must have a version compatible before using this library.

useData :: (String, String) -> a

Use a given dot path for a given state name

import { useData } from 'ramduck-react-redux'

useData('myRootReducer', 'a.b.c') // will invoke store.getState().myRootReducer.a.b.c

If you are using ramduck redux createReducer function it will automatically add a toString method over your reducer allowing you to use your reducer directly inside useData:

import { createReducer, init } from 'ramduck-redux'
import { useData } from 'ramduck-react-redux'

const reducer = createReducer('user', [
  init({ id: '', username: 'anonymous' })

useData(reducer, 'username') // 'anonymous'

useState :: (String, (a -> b)) -> b

import { useState } from 'ramduck-react-redux'

useState('myRootReducer', state => state.a.b);
// will invoke store.getState().myRootReducer.a.b

useDataOr :: (a, String, String) -> a

import { useDataOr } from 'ramduck-react-redux'

useDataOr('No friend', 'user', 'friends.0.username')
// 'No friend' if store.getState().user.friends[0].username is not set

useAction :: Action | (* -> Action) | Functor (Action | (* -> Action)) -> React.SyntheticEvent -> *

Perform a dispatch effect of the given action:

<button onClick={useAction(changeUsername(newUsermane))}>Change username</button>

// It also support action creator with no arguments:
<button onClick={useAction(submit)}>Submit</button>

// You can pass any functor to the function:
<button onClick={useAction([
  [ toggleTodo(id), Maybe.just(addTodo(id)) ]
])}>Do more stuff</button>

useActionEff :: (React.SyntheticEvent -> Action | (* -> Action) | Functor (Action | (* -> Action)) -> React.SyntheticEvent -> *

Allow the usage of the synthetic event when creating actions

import { safe, isString } from 'crocks'

<input type="text" onChange={useActionEff(event =>
)} />

// This will perform an add todo only if the target value is
// a valid String (thanks to the `Maybe` functor from crocks).
<input type="text" onChange={useActionEff(event =>
  |> safe(isString)
  |> map(addTodo)
)}>Add todo</button>