
bbot is an advanced IRC bot with fancy answers and features [Python 3]

Primary LanguagePython


bbot is an advanced IRC bot with fancy answers and features


Platforms: Windows, MacOSX, Linux

Prerequisite: Python 3.4, pytz library (pip install pytz)

Download bbot by clicking on Download ZIP, or do a git clone.

Extract the bbot folder on your desktop and open a command line terminal (Windows: shift + right click on your desktop and do 'Open command window here').

$ cd bbot

Rename the config_example.cfg to config.cfg and change these 5 variables under [bot_configuration]:

server = your.irc.server.com
channel = ##your_channel
botnick = bbot
port = 6697
admins = You,Him

Launch the bbot with:

$ python bbot.py



Someone: Hello <bbot>
TheBot : Hello!

!aws asg

!aws asg <ASG> <Status/Desired Capacity>" Bring up and down an AutoHeal instance.

Prerequisites: You must have configured the ASG alias in the configuration file in [aws][YourAlias] and be in [aws][allowed_users]. In addition, it's your responsability to set and secure your credentials. If you run this bot on an EC2 machine, set an IAM role instead of storing some credentials on your instance.

Someone: !aws asg teamspeak 0
TheBot : SuperTeamspeak-ASG is being shutdown
Variations and dry examples
Someone: !aws asg teamspeak up
Someone: !aws asg teamspeak down
Someone: !aws asg teamspeak off


!calc <Operations> Compute things faster than you. Available Math functions: https://docs.python.org/3/library/math.html

Someone: !calc 52^12 * 5
TheBot : 52^12 * 5 = 8.000000


!imdb <Guessed Title> Retrieve data info about a movie / TV show.

Someone: !imdb My name is Nobody
TheBot : Title: My Name Is Nobody (Release date: 17 Jul 1974)
TheBot : Italy, France, West Germany - 116 min - Western, Comedy
TheBot : Plot: A young, easygoing gunman (Hill) worships and competes with an old gunfighter (Fonda) who only wants to retire.imdbID: tt0070215 - Rating: 7.5

!imdb <Guessed Title>#<Year> Retrieve data info about a movie / TV show.

Someone: !imdb lost#2004
TheBot : Title: Lost (Release date: 22 Sep 2004)
TheBot : USA - 44 min - Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
TheBot : Plot: The survivors of a plane crash are forced to work together in order to survive on a seemingly deserted tropical island.
TheBot : imdbID: tt0411008 - Rating: 8.5

!imdb id:<imdbID> Retrieve data info about a movie / TV show.

Someone: !imdb id:tt0386676
TheBot : Title: The Office (Release date: 24 Mar 2005)
TheBot : USA - 22 min - Comedy
TheBot : Plot: A mockumentary on a group of typical office workers, where the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and tedium. Based on the hit BBC series.
TheBot : imdbID: tt0386676 - Rating: 8.8


!meet <time_zone> <HH:MM> or !meet <HH:MM> <time_zone> Allow to see one <time_zone> given in specific timezones

Someone: !meet utc 10:00
TheBot : 10:00:00 - UTC
TheBot : 11:00:00 - Europe/London
TheBot : 12:00:00 - Europe/Oslo
TheBot : 20:00:00 - Australia/Sydney


!ping <optional_ip> Make TheBot ping either you (if not IP has been mentioned) or a given IP/DNS if possible

Someone: !ping
TheBot : Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
TheBot : Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=64
TheBot : Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
TheBot : Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
TheBot :     Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
TheBot :     Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 6ms, Average = 2ms
Variations and dry examples
Someone: !ping
Someone: !ping google.com
Someone: !ping 2001:4860:4860::8888

NB, the capacity of pinging IPv6 is dependant on your server and network configuration.


!money <amount> <CODE1>:<CODE2> Convert an amount from one currency to another

Someone: !money 15.5 EUR:AUD
TheBot : 15.50 EUR = 23.09 AUD (1 EUR = 1.4894 AUD)
Variations and dry examples
Someone: !money 28 EUR AUD
Someone: !money 0.5 eur in AUD


!quit Make the bot quit IRC NB: You must be an admin for this. this can be set in the config file at [bot_configuration][admins]

Someone: !quit
TheBot : *rires*

Admin  : !quit
TheBot (~TheBot@ has quit IRC (Remote host closed  the connection)


!say <text> Allow you to make the bbot speaks! NB: You can send that command in private

Someone: !say I'm the best bbot
TheBot : I'm the best bbot


!steam <Title> Retrieve data info about a specific Title.

Someone: !steam Cities: Skylines
TheBot : Cities: Skylines — Metacritic: 85
TheBot : Steam: 27.99€ — http://store.steampowered.com/app/255710
TheBot : AKS: 3.73€ — http://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-cities-in-motion-cd-key-compare-prices/
TheBot : About: Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. From the makers of the Cities in Motion franchise, the game boasts a fully realized  [...]
TheBot : Owned by: ARRG (60h07min), Djidiouf (69h57min), Timst (9h12min)

!steam <Title> If an exact match hasn't been found, 3 potential results will be displayed.

Someone: !steam PAYDAY
TheBot : Exact title not found, you can try:
TheBot : PAYDAY: The Heist
TheBot : PAYDAY The Heist Mercy Hospital Trailer
TheBot : PAYDAY: The Heist - Wolfpack Weapons

!steam admin

!steam admin rm-cache Delete the cache folder for steam files: "cache-steam"

Someone: !steam admin rm-cache
TheBot : Cache has been deleted

!steam own

!steam own <Player> <Title> Tell if a player owns a specific title

Someone: !steam own djidiouf Planetary Annihilation
TheBot : Djidiouf has played Planetary Annihilation for 36h 53min

!steam own <Player> <Title> If an exact match hasn't been found, 3 potential results will be displayed.

Someone: !steam own Djidiouf Planetary
TheBot : Exact title not found, you can try:
TheBot : Planetary Annihilation
TheBot : Planetary Annihilation - Digital Deluxe Bundle
TheBot : Planetary Annihilation - Original Soundtrack

!steam played

!steam played <Game_Title> Report playtime for each person mentioned in the config file at [steam][owners]

Someone: !steam played Factorio
TheBot : Owned by: ARRG (137h05min), Timst (33h25min)

!steam spy

!steam spy <Player> Report every game played by a specific player for the last 2 weeks

Someone: !steam spy Timst
TheBot : In the last 2 weeks Timst has played:
TheBot : NEO Scavenger (1h00min)
TheBot : The Flame in the Flood (5h16min)
TheBot : Cossacks 3 (0h34min)
TheBot : Guild of Dungeoneering (2h35min)
TheBot : Streets of Rogue (0h45min)
TheBot : Endless Legend™ (5h54min)
TheBot : -- For a total of 22h18min (average of 1h35min per day)


!time <time_zone> Give time of timezone in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones

Someone: !time Australia/Sydney
TheBot : 2015-08-05 - 10:28:04 - AEST+1000 - Australia/Sydney

!time bchat Special command that you can change in order to give you specific timezones at once

Someone: !time bchat
TheBot : 01:28:25 - Europe/London
TheBot : 02:28:25 - Europe/Oslo
TheBot : 10:28:25 - Australia/Sydney


!yt <Display name or ID> Give metadata about a YouTube Channel

Someone: !yt groink groink
TheBot : Videos: 617 - Views: 92912 - Subs: 813
TheBot : Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc3d42oqhgYgFGL0e2rR-gQ




bbot is made in:

  • Python - 3.6.1


Want to contribute? Great! But don't do it now, wait for the Release.


  • more features
  • other things

