Delete abandoned branches

Github action to delete abandoned branches.


This action WILL delete branches from your repository, so you need to make your due diligence when choosing to use it and with which settings. I am not responsible for any mishaps that might occur.

Abandoned branches

A branch must meet all the following criteria to be deemed abandoned and safe to delete:

  • Must NOT be the default branch (eg master or main, depending on your repository settings)
  • Must NOT be a protected branch
  • Must NOT have any open pull requests
  • Must NOT be the base of an open pull request of another branch. The base of a pull request is the branch you told GitHub you want to merge your pull request into.
  • Must NOT be in an optional list of branches to ignore
  • Must be older than a given amount of days


* mandatory

Name Description Example
ignore_branches Comma-separated list of branches to ignore and never delete. You don't need to add your protected branches here. foo,bar
last_commit_age_days How old in days must be the last commit into the branch for the branch to be deleted. Default: 60 90
dry_run* Whether we're actually deleting branches at all. Possible values: yes, no (case sensitive). Default: yes no
github_token* The github token to use on requests to the github api. You can use the one github actions provide ${{ github.token }}
github_base_url The github API's base url. You only need to override this when using Github Enterprise on a different domain. Default:

Note: dry run

By default, the action will only perform a dry run. It will go in, gather all branches that qualify for deletion and give you the list on the actions' output, but without actually deleting anything. Make sure you configure your stuff correctly before setting dry_run to no


The following workflow will run on a schedule (daily at 00:00) and will delete all abandoned branches older than 100 days:

name: Delete abandoned branches

  # Run daily at midnight
    - cron: "0 0 * * *"

  # Allow workflow to be manually run from the GitHub UI

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Satisfy my repo CDO
      - name: Delete those pesky dead branches
        uses: phpdocker-io/github-actions-delete-abandoned-branches@v1
        id: delete_stuff
          github_token: ${{ github.token }}
          last_commit_age_days: 100
          ignore_branches: next-version,dont-deleteme

          # Disable dry run and actually get stuff deleted
          dry_run: no

      - name: Get output
        run: "echo 'Deleted branches: ${{ steps.delete_stuff.outputs.deleted_branches }}'"