
Manipulate your CSS or LESS files en mass!

Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Manipulate your CSS or LESS files en mass!


$ ./css-updater.pl <folder> <folder> <file> <file>


Run on an entire directory:
$ ./css-updater.pl ~/myFolder/

Run on a single file:
$ ./css-updater.pl ~/myFolder/TheBestCSSFileEver.css

Run on several folders and a file:
$ ./css-updater.pl ~/myFolder/ ~/myOtherFolder/ ~/SomeoneElsesFolder/NotTheBestCSSFileEver.css

Run with switches:
$ ./css-updater.pl ~/myFolder/ --dry-run --scale 1.5 --factor 3 -v

It is recommended that you run this with --dry-run the first few times to make sure it will do what you expect.

This tool will look through all of the files you give it, find pixel values, and augment them as you desire. The modified copies of the will be saved parallel to each file it's found. The new file will take the name of the original file, and append the --processed-suffix to it (before the extension). Ex: /1980sJurassicPark/css/rad-dinosaur.css is saved-as /1980sJurassicPark/css/rad-dinosaur-updated.css.

Useful Switches

Below are the supported options.


-d or --dry-run

Run in pretend mode, and don't modify any files.

Scale All Values

-s or --scale

Supply a value, and all pixel values will be multiplied by this number. Float values are acceptable. (Default: 1)

Minimum Unit Value

-m or --min

The minumum value to not modify. (Default: 1.5)

Rounding Factor

-f or --factor

The rounding value, to which all numbers should be rounded to the nearest. (Default: 3)

Processed Files Suffix


This string will be appended to the end of processed filenames. (Default: "-updated")

Less Useful Switches

Verbose Mode

-v or --verbose

Turn on verbose output, show everything we are doing.


-h or --help

Show this help.