
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Searches text from stdin and prints out all files with supported file extension in DESC sorted order.
Duplicates are kept to ensure flexibility

List of supported file extensions
  • Archives: 7z, a, apk, ar, bz2, cab, cpio, deb, dmg, egg, gz, iso, jar, lha, mar, pea, rar, rpm, s7z, shar, tar, tbz2, tgz, tlz, war, whl, xpi, zip, zipx, xz, pak
  • Books and Documents: mobi, epub, azw1, azw3, azw4, azw6, azw, cbr, cbz, pdf, ebook, doc, docx, odt, org, txt, rtf, md, tex, log, msg, wpd, wps, pages, ppt, odp, xls, xlsx, csv, ics, vcf
  • Programming and Scripting: 1ada, 2ada, ada, adb, ads, asm, bas, bash, bat, c, c++, cbl, cc, class, clj, cob, cpp, cs, csh, cxx, d, diff, e, el, f, f77, f90, fish, for, fth, ftn, go, groovy, h, hh, hpp, hs, java, js, jsx, jsp, ksh, kt, lhs, lisp, lua, m, m4, nim, patch, php, pl, po, pp, py, r, rb, rs, s, scala, sh, swg, swift, v, vb, vcxproj, xcodeproj, xml, zsh
  • Executable: exe, msi, bin, command, sh, bat, crx, bash, csh, fish, ksh, zsh
  • Fonts: eot, otf, ttf, woff, woff2
  • Images and Graphics: 3dm, 3ds, max, bmp, dds, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, psd, xcf, tga, thm, tif, tiff, yuv, ai, eps, ps, svg, dwg, dxf, gpx, kml, kmz, webp
  • Video and Animation: 3g2, 3gp, aaf, asf, avchd, avi, drc, flv, m2v, m4p, m4v, mkv, mng, mov, mp2, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv, mxf, nsv, ogg, ogv, ogm, qt, rm, rmvb, roq, srt, svi, vob, webm, wmv, yuv
  • Web: html, htm, css, js, jsx, less, scss, wasm, php


Before running this script, ensure you have grep and sort installed on your system, as it relies on these utilities:

grep --version
sort --version


No formal installation is required. Simply download the script and set it as executable:
That being said. Never trust scripts blindly.
Give the source code a look before running :)


git clone git@github.com:Djursing/grepfiles.git

Move to directory

cd grepfiles

Make script executable

chmod +x ./grepfiles.sh

Move to local bin folder

mv ./grepfiles.sh /usr/local/bin/grepfiles


Make sure your path includes /usr/local/bin.
Here are some ways to do it with .profile and .bashrc.

# ~/.profile
if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then

# ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin


To use the script, you can either pipe input into it or redirect input from a file:

# Piping input from another command
cat file.txt | grepfiles

# Redirecting input from a file
grepfiles < file.txt

Help Options

You can access the help menu by passing the -h or --help option:

grepfiles -h

Practical Example

Input from a file

To find and sort all referenced files in a document and count each occurrence, you can chain commands like this:

Contents of file.txt

asdfasdf somefile.c++,asdfasfd Users/worksapacesdf/somethin.go  asdf asoijojweiofjwf owfnmsodkf nsak;fnkwenf wsomething.1.ada sadfasdfsdafsadfsdafasdfonewoifnweoi
aaaa.gaaaa.goo aaaa.go aaaa.go aaaa.go Users/worksapacesdf/somethin.go Users/worksapacesdf/somethin.go aaaa.go


grepfiles < file.txt | uniq -c | sort -nr


4 aaaa.go
3 Users/worksapacesdf/somethin.go
1 wsomething.1.ada
1 somefile.c++

Find files from git commits

This script idea initially came from my other project called hotspot, which returns number of occurrences of files in git commits with a commit desctiption matching a specific regex string. It did a decent job at bringing attention to files often occurring in bugfixes, but it was limited to git logs only.


git log -E --grep 'chore|fix' --name-only --since '1 year' | grepfiles | uniq -c | sort -nr


3 example.png
2 investigator.sh
1 fixfinder.sh

This is not the best example output due to my commit history being bismal on this branch, but hopefully you get the idea.