
direnv like lua rc file loading for Neovim

Primary LanguageLua


Direnv-like lua rc file loading for Neovim.

Loads .nvimrc.lua files in the current directory and all parent directories.

If you're familiar with direnv, it works in a very similar manner by only loading trusted files that have been approved by the user.



Create a .nvimrc.lua file in your project directory (or any parent directory). When you open Neovim or change directories, you'll receive a warning that the rc file is not allowed. Run :RcAllow to allow the file to be loaded.



Allow a .nvimrc.lua file to be sourced, this will save the checksum of the file to a file in the allow directory. If there are multiple files that are not yet approved you will be prompted to select one. Immediately sources the file after approval.


Revoke a previous authorization. Prompts for selection if multiple rc files exist.


Open a rc file. Prompts for selection if multiple rc files exist.


Reload all rc files.


vim.cmd.packadd 'nvim-rc'

Or use your favorite plugin manager.

No other configuration is required.