Dark Mode Coding Challenge 🌙   medium time


Goals / Outcomes ✨

  • Using state and global state
  • DOM manipulation


Pre-requisites ✅



Requirements 📖

  • Add dark-mode switching functionality to the existing dark-mode button
    • Utilise the existing dark-mode scss file by adding a dark-mode class to the root html element
  • When in Dark mode:
    • The button icon should be faSun
    • The button icon colour should be (#FFA500). You can use the color prop on the Icon component.


Think about 💡

  • How we would use Dark mode on other potential routes/components in a bigger application. Would your solution work for this?
  • How we can apply a class to the html DOM element


What's Already Been Done 🏁

  • Basic app UI (mobile responsive)
  • Dark mode and light mode styles/themes


Screenshots 🌄

  screenshot-light screenshot-dark