The program implements 3 methods of interpolation(Nearest Neighbor, Linear, Quadratic).
- File containing the points for which the interpolation is performed.
t1, f(t1)
t2, f(t2)
tk, f(tk)
- File contains a set of arguments for which it is necessary to find the interpolated values. Format:
File with the coordinates of the interpolated points. Format:
t1, f(t1)
t2, f(t2)
tk, f(tk)
Using: Banzai_Games <Input path until file with source X and Y values(file 1)> <Input path file with args(file 2)> ;
Example: Banzai_Games SrcFile1.csv , SrcFile2.csv outFile.csv;
After starting the program, you can choose Interpolate method:
- Nearest Neighbor
- Linear;
- Quadratic;
SrcFile1.csv - example of file with source X and Y values(file 1);
SrcFile2.csv - example of file with args(file 2);
outFile.csv - example of output file(Quadratic method).