
A simple client for the Flickr API

Primary LanguageSwift

Here is a simple client for the Flickr API

Implemented features

  • List view with images and their titles
  • Details view with bigger photo when the item in the list is selected
  • An interface for inputting search terms
  • When the term is inserted (starting from the 3rd character in the input field) the API is requested for the photos according to the term (via flickr.photos.search)
  • When there is no term (before any search term is inserted or if the search canceled) random recent photos are requested (via flickr.photos.getRecent)
  • The items are requested in batches of 25
  • The pagination is implemented so when you reach the bottom of the list the next batch is requested
  • Simple image cache is implemented in ImageLoader (without any purging strategy yet)
  • Simple error handling is added
  • Couple UnitTests are added

Technical details

  • MVVM+C is used as main pattern to build the scenes/screens
  • Different concurrency-handling approaches are used as showcasing: GCD for image loading, Modern Concurrency (aka async/await + actors) for the rest
  • Dependency injection is used for better maintainability and testability of the code
  • UI is built in code (via UIKit)