Sample project utilising The Movie DB API (
Also a playground for learning DI-containers - Swinject branch
The project is built under XCode 10, Swift 4.2
- downloading movies from API
- displaying movies in collection view with pagination
- search for the specific query in the backend
- detail view of the movie
Parts of the app:
- AppCoordinator
- general business logic inside the app
- switching between different scenes (now it's only one)
- processing app events from the AppDelegate
- storing instances of global objects like DataSourse, NetworkManager, BackgroundServices, UserSession... (there's not so much of it so far =)).
- Presenter
- Handling MainWindow and UI part of all the navigation
- Specific implementation of transitions between screens and scenes
- DataService
- The global realtime storage over the entire app
- interacting with API when necessary
- APIClient
- API interaction
- MoviesVCFactory
- Instantiating app scenes/viewControllers
- Binding together view controllers, view models, necessary services and delegates
- ServicesFactory
- Instantiating the services (replacing them with mocks for testing)
- Scenes (List view, Detail view): ViewControllers + DataModels.
- View Controllers are only responsible for the layout, catching user interactions, displaying data from the models.
- View Models are responsible for VCs' busines logic, state and interactind with the services and higher level interactors/coordinators
Some used approaches:
- Modularity. Each piece of functionality is incapsulated in a proper class (set of classes).
- Clear objects' responsibilities (Not everywhere it's one responsibility, but not more than couple of them) and APIs.
- Dependency management suitable for clear understanding and testing. In most cases it's Dependency Injection or instantiating through factories.
- Additional functionality
- OperationQueue for the NetworkRequests
- additional info in the detail screen
- persistency and offline mode
- Utilising more API capabilities
- Design
- UnitTests