
Q-Octo – A compact endurance rover with climbing wheels. This repo contains the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller code.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1



About Q-Octo

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PIdxYJO_Ck.


Q-Octo uses a pair of CyberGear MicroMotors, which provide not only high torque and speed but also feedback such as current amp draw and position. To power the motors, 4 Parkside X20V drill batteries are used, providing 6-hour continuous runtime paired with robust and safe recharging.

Q-Octo is controlled via a Raspberry Pi Pico with the display and web server managed via a Raspberry Pi Pico W. The main pico communicates with the radio controller to receive control commands however, navigation via a separate onboard computer or via a flight controller is planned.

To build a Q-Octo, both a 3D printer and a laser cutter are required. It is sufficient to manufacture all 3D printed parts out of Esun PLA+, providing excellent durability. All laser-cut parts (*except the front and rear battery cover) can be cut from 6mm thick plyboard, which provides adequate rigidity and durability, assuming it is coated in outdoor paint.

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These instructions are currently just notes that we made during development. Complete instructions will be produced if there is demand.

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run git submodule update --init.

VSCode with the PlatformIO extension or CLion with the PlatformIO Plugin is recommended.

Web Dashboard

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash (https://bun.sh/docs/installation#installing)

Windows Footguns

Licensing and Credits

  • Flatbuffers
  • Adafruit CAN
  • DFR0534 (for voice module)
  • Libcanard
  • pico_crsf
  • Pimoroni pico display
  • cybergear
  • CRC

Q-Octo was originally designed for ELEC6212: Biologically Inspired Robotics, a fourth-year module at the University of Southampton. Q-Octo was inspired by Q-Whex.