
Open source NEM PHP library

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Open source NEM PHP library

PHP implementation of official NEM API : https://nemproject.github.io/

NIS server installation

PHP library installation

Clone this repo to folder nem-php

   mkdir nem-php
   cd nem-php
   clone https://github.com/Dmatafonov/nem-php.git .

Set up library

   require_once 'nem-php/nem-php.php';
   $config = [
     'net'               => 'mainnet', //testnet or mijin
     'nis_address'       => '',
     'private'           => 'xxx', //put your private key from nem wallet
     'public'            => 'xxx', //put your public key from nem wallet
     'security_check'    => true //leave it true if you are not sure

   $nemPhp = new NemPhp($config);  //Get library
   print_r($nemPhp->heartbit()); //Check if it's working


Send XEM

  //Prepare transaction
         1, //How much XEM to send 
         0, //Put higher fee if you want, otherwise leave it zero so minimum fee will be taken off
         'NDNRSW-FEQ256-HQLUYT-L6SOS3-RYHEJK-BLOWL2-C6MJ' //adress where to send
   //You can check your future transaction before sending
   //Or get estimated transaction fee in microXEM (actual amount in XEM will be divided vy 1000000)
   echo $nemPhp->transaction['fee'];
   //And commit transaction to the network (you shoud almost immidiately hear 'dink' sound from you wallet
   $result = $nemPhp->commitTransaction();
   //See how its gone

Send Mosaic

  //Prepare transaction
         1, //How much mosaics to send 
         0, //Put higher fee if you want, otherwise leave it zero so minimum fee will be taken off
         'NDNRSW-FEQ256-HQLUYT-L6SOS3-RYHEJK-BLOWL2-C6MJ' //adress where to send

   //Add mosaics to your transaction
      'zeus-test', //namespace
      'aapl', //name
      1 //quantity

   //You can check your future transaction before sending
   //Or get estimated transaction fee in microXEM (actual amount in XEM will be divided vy 1000000)
   echo $nemPhp->transaction['fee']; 

   //And commit transaction to the network (you shoud almost immidiately hear 'dink' sound from you wallet
   $result = $nemPhp->commitTransaction();

   //See how its gone

Get mosaic info by namespace and name

$mosaic = $nemPhp->fetchMosaicInfo('zeus-test', 'aaple');

Get all mosaics info by namespace

$mosaics = $nemPhp->fetchAllMosaics('zeus-test');

Fetch incoming transactions

  //Get 25 most recent transactions 
   $transactions = $nemPhp->accountTransfersIncoming(
       null, //address - if ommitted, then address is taken from public key
       null, //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular id
       null  //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular hash

   //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular id
   $transactions = $nemPhp->accountTransfersIncoming(null, $id);
   //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular hash
   $transactions = $nemPhp->accountTransfersIncoming(null, null, '674cf29a76c2e86368f8ff6608db731fa6aa54cf4bfdf4efe6c65c946eb3ae01');

Fetch outgoing transactions

  //Get 25 most recent transactions 
   $transactions = $nemPhp->accountTransfersOutgoing(
       null, //address - if ommitted, then address is taken from public key
       null, //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular id
       null  //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular hash

Fetch all transactions

  //Get 25 most recent transactions 
   $transactions = $nemPhp->accountTransfersAll(
       null, //address - if ommitted, then address is taken from public key
       null, //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular id
       null  //Get 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction with paricular hash

Fetch uncofirmed transactions

  //Get 25 most recent transactions 
   $transactions = $nemPhp->accountUnconfirmedTransactions(
       null, //address - if ommitted, then address is taken from public key

Other supported API calls

   //Account related calls
   ->status(); //get account status
   ->accountGenerate(); //generate new account
   ->accountGet(); //request account data
   ->accountGetFromPublicKey($public = null); //same as above, ut you can put someone's public key to gind out his address and how rich he is
   ->accountGetForwarded(); //Requesting the original account data for a delegate account
   ->accountStatus(); //short account status
   ->localAccountTransfersIncoming($id = null, $hash = null); //same as accountTransfersIncoming but with messages decrypted
   ->localAccountTransfersOutgoing($id = null, $hash = null); //same as accountTransfersOutgoing but with messages decrypted
   ->localAccountTransfersAll($id = null, $hash = null); //same as accountTransfersAll but with messages decrypted
   ->accountHarvests($address = null, $hash = null); //Requesting harvest info data for an account
   ->accountImportances(); //Retrieving account importances for accounts
   ->accountNamespacePage(); //Retrieving namespaces that an account owns
   ->accountMosaicDefinitionPage($address = null, $parent = null, $id = null); //raw mosaic definition, same as fetchMosaicInfo
   ->accountMosaicOwned($address = null); //Retrieving mosaics that an account owns
   ->accountUnlock(); //Unlocking accounts
   ->accountLock(); //Locking accounts
   ->accountUnlockedInfo(); //Retrieving the unlock info
   ->accountHistoricalGet($address = null, $startHeight, $endHeight, $increment = 1000); //Retrieving historical account data
   //Blockchain related calls
   ->chainHeight(); //Block chain height
   ->chainScore(); //Block chain score
   ->chainLastBlock(); //Last block of the block chain score
   ->blockAtPublic($blockHeight); //Getting a block with a given height
   ->localChainBlocksAfter($blockHeight); //Getting part of a chain
   ->namespaceRootPage(); //Retrieving root namespaces
   ->namespaceRequest($id); //Retrieving a specific namespace

Donate if you like it or contibute if you don't have XEM yet :)